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Taipei Travel

Mayor Doubles as Zookeeper, Helps Nurse Baby Orangutan

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Post date:2023-03-03



On February 25, Mayor Chiang Wan-an arrived Taipei Zoo to express his gratitude to the hardworking zoo keepers. He also took on the role of a one-day zookeeper and helped nurse a baby orangutan.
Mayor Doubles as Zookeeper, Helps Nurse Baby Orangutan
As a temporary zookeeper, the mayor spent some time looking after the baby orangutan which was raised at the zoo. “Xiucai” grasped tightly as Chiang feeds it milk and changes its diapers. Taipei Zoo also took this opportunity to hold a quiz contest for the audience, educating the participants about the red-haired primate – from their diet to their habitat to the environmental threats they face. 

Chiang remarked that he is very happy to meet the eight-month-old Xiucai. He noted that “Kexiu,” the mother of the baby, was brought up by the staff of the zoo. Therefore, the animal has a hard time finding a match to produce offspring. Thanks to the efforts of zoo keepers of Taipei Zoo and vets from National Taiwan University Hospital, Kexiu successfully mated with the male orangutan “Ayong” and gave birth to Xiucai. 

The mayor noted that Taipei Zoo shoulders the task of implementing animal conservation and strengthening biodiversity. The institution has cooperated with various organizations to implement endangered species conservation projects over the years. The mayor thanked the staff of the zoo for their efforts, which secured invaluable results and won numerous international recognitions.

At the end of his speech, Chiang invited the public to come and visit Taipei Zoo during the long weekend. He noted that in addition to the baby orangutan, the beloved Asian small-clawed otters have also given birth to 4 baby otters. There are also numerous cute animals at the zoo to attract visitors’ attention. Furthermore, the zoo is also a great place for people to learn more about animal protection and conservation.

