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2023 Chongnan Book Street Upsize GO Fair Kicks-off on August 5

Anchor point

Post date:2023-08-09



Have you consider reading some books during the remaining part of summer break? Why not come visit Chongnan Book Street to choose from a wide selection of works?

To promote business at Chongnan Book Street, the Taipei City Office of Commerce (TCOOC) joined hands with Chongnan Book Street Promotion Association to organize the 2023 Chongnan Book Street Upsize Go Fair. The event kicked-off on August 5.

2023 Chongnan Book Street Upsize GO Fair Kicks-off on August 5
The fair features activities such as “I’m a Young Bookstore Owner” and “Read with Celebrities.” Participants will have a chance to learn more about books and how bookstores operate. In addition, the popular Chongnan Upsize Books Voucher will also be available for purchase at the same time. For a price of NT$200, those with the voucher can exchange it for goods equivalent to NT$300 at the commercial district. Only a limited number of vouchers are available, and those interested can purchase them at Li Ming Cultural Bookstore.

According to TCOOC, the origins of Chongnan Commercial District can be traced back to the Japanese Colonial Era. To answer demands for education, the colonial government established the Taiwan Books Corporation at present day Chongqing South Road, offering goods such as textbooks, stationaries, and books of all kinds in Japanese. This created a cluster effect, encouraging bookstores and related businesses to set up shop in the neighborhood.

Despite the rise of the Internet and the decline in the hobby of reading, many stores in Chongnan Commercial District continue to offer goods and services for readers. To stimulate the local economy, the agency collaborated with the commercial district to organize various campaigns in the past, including the 2020 Chongnan Fun Book-cation and 2022 Chongnan Commercial District Shopping Festival.

Association Chairman Shen Rong-yi invites parents to take advantage of the fair this year and bring their kids to the century-old book street to purchase quality reading materials. The Chongnan Upsize Books vouchers can be used at partner stores in the neighborhood through September 17.

For more details, please visit either the Chinese Facebook fan page of the association ([Link]) or TCOOC ([Link]).

