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Taipei Travel

Mayor Attends ‘Taiwan from Above’ Tenth Anniversary Commemoration Event

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Post date:2023-08-23



On August 15, Mayor Chiang Wan-an attended the Tenth Anniversary Photo Exhibition commemorating the documentary film ‘Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above.’

During his speech, the mayor mentioned that the documentary’s director Chi Po-lin used his camera to record both the beauty and sorrow of the island. Every single shot in the film is infused with the love and expectation of the director for the land. As Taipei City is Chi’s hometown, the mayor remarked that he is honored to collaborate with the Chi Po-lin Foundation to organize the photo exhibition.

Mayor Attends ‘Taiwan from Above’ Tenth Anniversary Commemoration Event
Chiang cited a quote from the film, where the narrator mentioned that while people are concerned about how much each ping of the home is worth, no one seems to care about the safety of the property tomorrow. The government and citizens should think about that while we enjoy material and economic gains, we should ask ourselves whether there is a price – accumulating in ways which might damage our environment.

The mayor pointed out that through the film, Chi raises public awareness on the love and care for this island, and transforming our concerns into action. As the mayor of this city, he works hard to follow the principles of Chi through implementing environmental sustainability through city policies.

Recalling his recent visit to Singapore, the mayor stressed that Singaporean officials have concrete objectives listed in the Singapore Green Plan 2030, including planting one million trees, greening 80% of the nation’s building, and achieving 75% mass public transport commute.

Looking at Taiwan, he cannot help but ask whether we are prepared, and can we actually carry out actions required to achieve these objectives? He hopes that Chi’s documentary and the photo exhibition will remind the public that we must act to protect our environment.

Agreeing with president Ou chin-der of the foundation, Mayor Chiang hopes that the photo exhibition will allow young people to learn more about this island, as well as ingraining the beliefs and values of the director in our mind.

