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TAIPEI 2016Summer Vol.04—A Look at Taiwan’s Green Wonder Taipei 101 Meets the LEED v4 Certification Challenge

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Post date:2016-07-11



Article _ Zhang Huanpeng
Photos _ Taipei 101

1. Taipei 101 has received international recognition as an environment-friendly skyscraper. (Photo: Chen Zhengwei,
Taipei 101)
Standing in the Taipei 101 Observatory (台北101觀景台) on the 89th floor of the tower, the entire city can be taken in through the double-pane glass. Many like to come here to view the beautiful Taipei nightscape. But, few are aware that this is the world’s tallest green building, with many hidden design gems of energy-saving, eco-friendly ingenuity.
“The space between the panes in the glass curtain that forms the building’s
façade is filled with inert gas,” says Taipei 101 spokesperson Liu Chia-Hao (劉家豪), which is effective as a thermal barrier, reducing the burden on air-conditioning. During the tower’s design, in addition to much innovative engineering technology, eco-protection and energy-saving concepts were incorporated into the design core.
World’s Tallest Green Building
Taipei 101 is a world-famous architectural landmark. It is also an internationally recognized, eco-friendly skyscraper. In 2011, it was formally granted LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification, with a Platinum rating; LEED is the leading global standard for green buildings. This made it the world’s tallest green building. Late last year, an even more stringent challenge was taken on – LEED v4 certification – and strenuous effort was expended to bring the skyscraper forward into this new international green-building paradigm. In addition to international green-building certification, Taipei 101 has won recognition in other forms, including selection by, a renowned business/technology/sustainability website, in its list of “10 of the world’s greenest offices.”
The dedication to energy efficiency and environmental protection at Taipei 101 is in evidence in a great many of its design elements. One is the reclaimed water system, used for rainwater collection and reuse. Another is the switching of faucets in pantries and washrooms to low-flow units. Liu says that after the rain water is harvested it is used throughout the building for plant irrigation, resulting in substantial annual savings in tap-water use. As well, the lighting system, energy-management control system, waste transport and reduction system, and other systems are all Taipei 101 energy-saving and eco-protection investments.
“Though our investment outlay for hardware equipment has been in the tens of millions of NT dollars,” says Liu, “in the long run we’ll see huge savings in water and electricity charges, and will do our part for carbon- emissions reduction, making it decidedly worthwhile.” Taipei 101 tenants are also asked to join the ranks and work collectively in the global environmental defense campaign. Example include using recycled paper and environment-friendly tableware, putting the “Love Our Earth” slogan into action. With everyone working together, the Taipei 101 resource-recovery rate has reached 75%.

2. The Green Corner, found in the Taipei 101 office building lobby, promotes green architecture. (Photo: Taipei 101)
Loving the Earth, Fulfilling Corporate Responsibility
To fulfill its corporate social responsibility, Taipei 101 has engaged in myriad activities in support of environmental protection. One example is participation in Earth Hour in 2009, when lights were switched off in unison around the globe, including external lighting at famous international landmarks. Liu says that Taipei 101 is pleased to use its international image and brand reputation to support public-welfare activities, and desires to play a leading role in encouraging others to join in.
Taipei 101 was also the first building in Taiwan to agree to follow air-conditioning system automated demand-response measures proposed by the Taiwan Power Company (台灣電力公司). This is an electricity-generation reduction concept utilizing a computerized smart-detection system that effectively reduces electricity use during periods of peak demand. Carbon-reduction and energy-efficiency goals are met, and the corporate philosophy of green eco-protection is achieved.
Taipei 101 also participates in the Pilot Program for Voluntary Purchase of Green Power, overseen by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (經濟部). Green-power subscription is used as the starting point, with a purchase price of NT$1.06 per kWh for 1.01 million kWh of green supply, which is used in support of the national Renewable Energy Development Fund, which promotes the development of renewable energy sources in Taiwan.
Other initiatives taken in keeping with its green-Earth commitment is protection of its surrounding environment, include adoption of Zhongqiang Park (中強公園), establishment of a Green Corner for promoting green architecture in the ground-floor lobby of the Taipei 101 office building, and free Green Tour services. _ese publicly convey Taipei 101’s eco protection experiences and demonstrate that green living can be implemented in this city. This summer, Taipei 101 is hosting a concert with a “sustainable environment” theme, using music to express eco-protection concepts and to entice even more people to join the ranks of those dedicated to protecting Mother Earth.

