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Taipei Travel

National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine

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Post date:2016-11-22


National Martyrs’ Shrine
The National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine is located on Beian Road in Dazhi District near the famous Grand Hotel and the Keelung River. The shrine commemorates the over 400,000 martyrs who died for the Republic of China. Every spring and fall, the president leads civil and military officials to attend the religious ceremonies. Many international dignitaries also visit the Martyrs’ Shrine to pay their respects.
The Martyrs’ Shrine was built in 1969 and modeled after traditional Chinese architecture. With its back resting against the mountain, the three remaining sides have red enclosures. The three arch gateway is a popular place for visitors to take pictures. The shrine resembles the Hall of Supreme Harmony in Beijing’s Forbidden City; the tiered roof is covered in yellow tiles and the beams are meticulously painted. On either side of the shrine are two reliefs depicting the battles of Mianhu and Guningtou. Down the hallways hang descriptions of 26 important battles. The civilian and military martyrs’ shrines, stone lions, and bell and drum towers are all worth a visit.
The army, navy, and air force take turns serving as honor guards at the Martyrs’ Shrine. The changing of the guards takes place every hour on the hour, every day except during the religious ceremonies in the spring and fall. The honor guards painstakingly train to perform the changing of the guards ceremony in perfect unison. Every year, thousands of visitors from around the world come to watch.


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