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Hydrangea Blooms to Take Over Zhuzihu Area

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Post date:2020-05-14


Press bureau:Department of Information Technology


While the calla lily season lasts all the way to the end of May, people visiting Zhuzihu on Yangmingshan will have a chance to witness the beauty of a new wave of blooming hydrangeas!

Continuing the great atmosphere of the Calla Lily Festival, the Hydrangea Season will open with a performance by violinist Heidi Wang between 1:30 PM and 3:30 PM on Saturday, May 9. Other musicians featured include flutist Tseng Li-wen and saxophonist Huang Min-hui at the Huagu Haiyu Garden.

The number of hydrangeas at Zhuzihu has quickly expanded over the years. This year, a total of 13 farms growing hydrangea will open to the public during the event. These include Terrace Field Urban Farm, Flower and Tree Hydrangea Garden, Tashang Garden, Minyangpu Recreational Farm, and more.

The latest news is that several types of hydrangea are already blooming. The specific breed raised at individual farms varies. Each of these plantations has its unique characteristics – some have flower walls, other grow the plants in a plot of land, and there are even farms who have them growing in ladder fields.
Hydrangea Blooms to Take Over Zhuzihu Area
The Department of Economic Development (DOED) reminds visitors that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they should wear face masks, wash their hands frequently, and maintain social distancing. The participating farms require staff and workers to monitor their own health. Disinfection measures are also implemented at the respective restaurants and outdoor areas. For more information, please consult the Chinese Facebook fan page of DOED.

