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TCOOC Unveils New Theme Song for Taipei Friendly Store Program

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Post date:2023-06-29



To strengthen the hospitable image of Taipei City, the Taipei City Office of Commerce (TCOOC) invites businesses to sign up for the Taipei Friendly Store Program, as well as promoting the services and specialties of member stores. With the relaxing of border restrictions in 2023, foreign visitors are once again arriving at this friendly city.

TCOOC Unveils New Theme Song for Taipei Friendly Store Program
To strength campaign promotion efforts, the agency invited singer and songwriter Arrow Wei to compose an original piece for the Taipei Friendly Store Program. It also collaborated with Internet celebrity Teacher Iku to produce a film on foreign language-friendly stores, seeking to attract both foreign and domestic tourists to Taipei.

In an effort to provide visitors with more information about Taipei Friendly Stores, TCOOC is also holding the “Befriend Me to Bring Home Gifts” campaign from today through August 14. To participate in the “Befriend Me” online activity, simply visit the official Chinese website and take the online quiz. Participants completing the tasks will receive discount coupons to select stores, as well as a chance to win a NT$200 credit raffle. During this period, individuals patronizing any of Taipei Friendly Stores will have a chance to win cash, household appliances, and more from a list of prizes with total value reaching NT$360,000!

Deputy Mayor Lin Yi-hua remarked that the city welcomes businesses to sign up for Taipei Friendly Store, especially ones that offer features such as: foreign language communication (English, Chinese, or Korean); mobile phone recharge; free WiFi; barrier-free facility; gender-friendly; third-party payment; vegetarian-friendly; Muslim-friendly; gender-neutral restroom; fairtrade-friendly; breastfeeding-friendly; period-friendly, cyclist-friendly, and more.

To allow the public to learn more about individual Taipei Friendly Stores, the agency has also organized day trips and guided tours based on the theme “Taipei Friendly Stories.” A total of seven tours have been arranged between June 10 and September 16, taking participants to six of Taipei’s commercial districts, including Ximen, Zhongshan, Dadaocheng, Shilin, Wanhua, and Minsheng Community. Four of the tours are still open for reservations, so sign up while you can!

  • TCOOC Fan Page on Facebook:[Link]
  • Befriend Me to Bring Home Gifts Activity Page:[Link]
  • Official Website of Taipei Friendly Store:[Link]

