[ 记 得 _ ] 泰 , 日 , 港 , 台 艺术家插画联展 在大稻埕
[3LAND] X [Moe] X [zu and pi] X [U&s studio]
R e m e m b e r _ illustrators exhibition
[ 记 得 _ ] 泰 , 日 , 港 , 台 艺术家插画联展 在大稻埕
2017 / 11 / 17 (五) - 11 / 26 (日) 在 URS127 玩艺工场 与大家见面
每日10:00-18:00(11/17为14:00-18:00 ‧ 台北市大同区迪化街一段127号 URS127 玩艺工场 ) 展览免费参观
● Facebook展览活动讨论区:https://www.facebook.com/events/612561349134301
● 参展艺术家:
3LAND https://www.behance.net/3landstudio
Moe https://www.instagram.com/moesuzuki112/
陋室五月 https://www.facebook.com/zuandpi
U&S叔叔与妹妹 https://www.facebook.com/uands2012
● 一定要来的开幕茶会 11/17(五)14:00 来参加开幕就送展览艺术家限量明信片一组:报名连结https://www.accupass.com/go/2017expo4
香港 ● 陋室五月 zu and pi
香港创作团队「陋室五月」,从事带欧美简约成熟绘画风格,早於2007年五月由Steven 与 Jasper 成立, 坚持创意先行,创作遍及出版、艺术指导、平面设计、电影及唱片等。取名 「五月」,因中国二十四节气之中五月为「小满」,是农民三夏大忙之序幕。据《月令七十二候集解》说:「小满者,物致於此小得盈满」。因此秉承小满之韵,蹒跚学步,视人生为一种练习,必须掌握小满的尺度。
2012年构思了关於星球人的创意故事《Zu and Pi》,以寓言般的故事唤起生活急促的城市人再次注重生活,推崇「修复生活」,衍生出一系列插画。《Zu and Pi》及同系列之相关插画,定期於香港、日本、台湾、海外,参与不同展览,务求多作新嚐试。
泰国 ● 3LAND
My 3LAND,It is the third world for me. At there including many characters and a lot of buildings, although it is a land in my imagination but that make me so excited all the time when I stay in there,I think it feel like Adventure, I am exploring the new world with new friends that I didn’t know before.It start from the land of characters and buildings from my imagination.When I was young I need to watch, read cartoons and play the game so much but I couldn’t, so I always think about the world that is my passionate and drew it on the paper instead.It is a greatest activities for me until now, after that it make me really love to create the new characters and land for it and also I give them attitude and concept too. I would say that is the most important thing and be a part of my life.I really love my land.Let’s come and join with it.
日本 ● Moe 铃木 萌
moe is an Independent Artist who creates her works in her Apartment based in Nagoya, Japan. You can often find moe sitting by her phone in the depths of her desk in her heater lit room drawing past 5am.
She has been giving birth to her work through various media for as long as she can remember. Drawing and molding clay have been her two favorite vehicles to express herself.
“I live life day to day. I don’t know a whole lot. I am just taking my desperate feelings and drawing them on paper, kneading them into shapes and binding them with words."
台湾 ● U&S 叔叔与妹妹
原创角色 赤毛族‧萝卜塔
【U&S = “Uncle and Sister" 】
同所大学毕业的学长温国欣(叔叔)与学妹陈美君(妹妹)都热爱绘画与设计,喜欢天马行空的想像各种事物,在共同的创作理念与热情下,以「U&S 叔叔与妹妹」名称共同进行数位绘图创作,成立插画设计工作室,设计开发地方文化元素的商品,主要业务为插画设计及图像授权,并进行地方街区导览结合插画教学,推广美学教育。两人创造了一群光着脚并留有脚毛的精灵「赤毛族」,光着脚代表喜欢亲近大自然的土地,留有脚毛代表保有与生俱来的特徵,藉此传达(爱护世界)与(做自己)的理念。
We are Uncle & Sister (U&S). Graduated from the same university, we both love illustration and design and enjoy running wild with our imagination.
展览相关事项 U&S叔叔与妹妹 插画设计工作室