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2016臺北世界設計之都-瑞典設計展 Design Solution: Swedish Design For 170 Years





Design Solution: Swedish Design For 170 Years
今年3月,由臺北市政府文化局主辦的「Design Solution 瑞典設計展」為2016臺北世界設計之都的首檔國際交流展,將於3月12日到4月10日於松山文創園區1號倉庫展出。
本次展覽由歷史悠久且主導瑞典設計脈動的瑞典設計工藝協會Svensk Form與蔚龍藝術有限公司共同策劃,以「Design Solution」為題,呼應「2016臺北世界設計之都」期望運用「設計思考」解決社會問題的核心精神,展覽共分三大主題從瑞典設計170年的發展歷程裡,帶領市民一探瑞典設計最貼近社會脈動的一面,看設計如何成為社會問題的解決之道。
What do you think of when it comes to Scandinavian design? Designer chairs?
 Or furniture with minimal lines that brings warmness? Scandinavian style has been the popular trend in Taiwan for the recent years and behind the simple designs are the unique regional aesthetic and practical functions. In addition, Sweden, the largest country in Northern Europe, is the one that leads the development of Scandinavian design and promotes it to the world. This country that slowly caught up with industrialization in the beginning of the 20th century, merely spent half a century to become a completely modernized industrial country in the world. Whether it is the most popular home furnishing enterprise worldwide, IKEA, affordable and fashionable apparel brand H&M or automobile manufacturer Volvo that is reputed for its safety are all from Sweden. Yet, how did Sweden conquered development difficulties and let Swedish design made known globally under the constraint of limited resources?
Design Solution, Swedish Design for 170 Years Exhibition is hosted by the Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government and curated by Svensk Form, the association with a long history that directs Swedish design trends, as well as Blue Dragon Art company. It will be the first international exchange exhibition among a range of exhibits in the 2016 Taipei Design Capital and will be opened this March at Warehouse No.1 in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park from March 12th to April 10th. Design Solution, Swedish Design for 170 Years Exhibition takes “Design Solution” as the theme while echoing with the core idea of the 2016 Taipei Design Capital, which is adapting “design thinking” in solving social issues. The exhibit will be divided into three categories; from 170 years of Swedish design development, visitors will explore Swedish design aspects that are the closest to social pulsation and finally see how design becomes the solution to social issues.
展覽時間:3/12(六)至4/10(日),10:00~18:00 (免費參觀)
Time: 12 March -10 April, 10:00-18:00 FREE ADMISSION
Place: Warehouse 1, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. 
(No.133, Gungfu S. Rd., Taipei City) 
  • 周邊活動資訊

一、設計觀察沙龍 Swedish Design Salon


 Design Entrepreneurship


            主持人:彭永翔 / La Vie主編

            與談人:Ewa Kumlin—瑞典設計工藝協會總監

                           Matti Klenell—新層次專案設計師




           From Sweden to Taiwan, Social design as a method to change the societ y


            主持人:龔書章 /交大建築研究所所長


                           Marta Terne—Refugee Housing Unit 專案經理



           Creative design thinking—IKEA democratic design


            講者:David Wahl—IKEA產品研發中心設計師



           Learning from living—Design education in Sweden and Taiwan


            主持人:張麗寶 / 漂亮家居總編




觀點5 Design Solution—淺談瑞典設計發展史

           Design solution—Design history in Sweden


           講者:Kerstin Wickman—瑞典知名設計史學家



        Design Round-Table workshop: Design Brunch: The designer in the service of society


            主持人:曾熙凱 / Studio Shikai創辦人

            與談人:Johan Karlsson—2014 Design S建築設計入圍設計師

                           Josephine Bergqvist—2016 Ung Svensk Form服裝設計入圍設計師



三、設計主題導覽 Theme Guide Tour

關鍵字中庸之道作為Design Solution

Lagon as Design Solution


         講師:邱柏翰 / 北歐設計觀察家


關鍵字機能主義作為Design Solution

Functionalism as Design Solution


         講師:鄭啟聰 / 丹麥倉庫店主


關鍵字極簡主義作為Design Solution

Minimalism as Design Solution


         講師:留郁琪 / 北歐建築Concept設計師

資料來源: 臺北市政府文化局 文創發展科

