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Taipei Travel

TAIPEI 2015Winter Vol.02—Taipei – Friendly Capital City in the Eyes of Doron Hemo

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Post date:2016-06-17



Article: Lingyuan Yang
Photos: William Lin
Doron Hemo, Director of Economic Affairs, Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei, and his wife Claudia, are an admirable, young couple who resemble Hollywood celebrities. Before Hemo was assigned to his current position, he and his wife had never visited Taiwan. He asked his friends and colleagues who had been to Taiwan about its lifestyle, habits, culture and environment, and everyone told him , “Don't worry. This is a great place. No problem. You will realize that when you get there.”
Doron Hemo says that since taking up this post he has lived in Taipei for more than three years and has not had any problems adapting.
Since taking up this post, he and his family have lived in Taipei for more than three years. He has not had any problems adapting. “Up to now there have only been two 'inconveniences': I cannot speak Chinese and I am too far from home.” But, from another perspective, people from Taipei do not have these two obstacles. He feels that, for them, growing up here is akin to winning the lottery!
Doron Hemo and his wife Claudia have a harmonious relationship, closely linking work with their private lives in Taipei.
Convenient, Friendly Taipei City
Hemo has observed that Taipei is an extremely friendly city for foreigners. The transportation is very efficient, the living environment is very safe, the cost of living is very low and there is a diversity of great food. In every respect, it is very easy to adapt to life in this international city. “People in Taipei are very hospitable and enthusiastic. If there is a foreigner in need of assistance, even if they cannot speak English, they will eagerly find someone to help.” When he and his wife first arrived in Taipei, they experienced much kindness, which created an immediate fondness for this warm city.
He especially likes that there are places to enjoy nature in and around Taipei. If he wants to go hiking, view flowers or see the ocean, all of this can be easily reached with a short 30~40-minute drive. With his family, he often samples tea in Maokong (貓空), hikes Xiangshan (象山) and strolls through Yuanshan Taipei Expo Park (圓山花博園區). When friends come to Taipei to visit, Taipei 101, Longshan Temple and night markets are definitely on his and his wife's list of places to take them. These attractions are very representative of Taipei.
Speaking of Taipei's food, Hemo's favorite is xiaolongbao. Whenever he has the opportunity to eat out, he does not forget to seek out new xiaolongbao restaurants. This has become one of life's pleasures. Eating nigiri has also been an unforgettable experience. In Israel, there are only sushi rolls, and it is not possible to eat simple nigiri. His wife, Claudia, is a vegetarian, and for her coming to Taipei has been like entering a food paradise. Taipei is not only home to many vegetarian restaurants, but also lacto-ovo vegetarian and raw vegan restaurants, which have allowed her to sample innovative vegetarian cuisine. She often goes to “Miss Green”, which serves lacto-ovo vegetarian dishes including burgers, wraps and desserts, all of which are very delicious.
Bringing Israeli Culture and Foods
to Taipei
In Taiwan, many people make comparisons of Israel and Taipei, as the two countries are similar in terms of area. Israel is approximately two-thirds the size of Taiwan, but twothirds of its land is barren desert. The population of Israel is relatively small at more than eight million. Both countries have also gone through a time of poverty in which there were material shortages. Inaddition, “innovation” has paved the way for wealth and sophistication. However, in terms of education, there are obviousdifferences.
Doron Hemo’s wife Claudia loves the vegetarian burgers, pasta dishes and desserts at Taipei City’s “Miss Green” restaurant.
Hemo notes that when he exchanges opinions with Taiwanese people, he has discovered that “innovation” among Taiwan's children needs to be encouraged. In Israel, children are taught to “challenge authority.” When children come home from school, their parents will not ask them, “What did you learn at school today?”Rather, they will enquire, “What questions did you ask your teacher?” In addition, from the time that they are very young, Israeli students are taught “not to fear failure.” Both are essential conditions for enterprise and scientific invention.
Many Israeli food products are sold in Taipei “city’super” stores.
In Taipei, it is now possible to eat authentic Israeli cuisine. Starting in December 2015, the Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei will organize the Israeli Food Show in Taipei, which will feature more than 120 items, and then these items will continually be introduced into Taipei's City'super stores. It is hoped that Taiwanese will gain an understanding of the unique Kosher culture of Judaism, which involves strict food quality control, and that food enthusiasts will enjoy these delicious products.

