Welcome to Taipei Travel website, hereinafter referred to as the Website. The Website respects and protects your privacy and security while using the Internet. This privacy policy explains how this Website collects, uses, and protects your personal data. Please read carefully before you use this Website and the extended services it offers.
Policy Applicability:
The privacy policy of this Website applies to the collection, use, and protection of your personal data while you are using the Website. The policy does not apply to other websites accessed via the links on this Website. All external websites directed from this Website have their privacy and information safety policies. The Website does not bear any joint and several liabilities. When you are connected to an external website, the protection of your personal data shall refer to the website's privacy policies.
Collection of Your Personal Data
This Website will not collect any of your identity data when you are simply browsing or downloading files on the Website.
When using the Website’s services, the Website will collect user personal data including but not limited to:
- Personal information: Name, contact number, email address, household registration address, or mailing address.
- Security details: Password
- Computer and mobile device data: Device operating system, member Ad-ID, e.g. Android Advertising ID (AAID) and Identifier for Advertisement (IDFA), Apps on the device, language setting on the device, Wi-Fi data, and geographical location of the device (collected only with user permission).
In addition to the aforementioned, the Website will/may collect your personal data in circumstances as follows.
- As you apply to access the membership services of the Website, some services require user information for personalized service functions, hence the collection of user personal data.
- As you apply to open an online store on the Website, your store information and sales-related information will be verified and announced on the Website, hence the collection of user personal data to ensure the accuracy of the online store information you provided. If the Website finds that your store information is inconsistent with facts, we will contact you based on the personal data you provided.
- Online campaign and questionnaire
When you partake in the Website’s online campaign, we may ask you to provide your name, national ID number, contact number, email address, address, and other personal information. Some events are for members only. You might also partake in a lucky draw, competition, or marketing campaign of another website or entity linked through the promotional link on the Website. For the personal data you willingly provide thereof, please refer to the privacy policy of the event-holding entity or website. The Website does not bear any joint and several liabilities with regard to the handling of your data. - General Browsing
The Website keeps the server logs of users browsing or searching on the Internet. The records include device IP, screen time, web browser, browsing history, and clicking history. The Website labels each browser connected by a user individually to analyze the webpages users browse on the Website. Unless you are willing to disclose your personal data, the Website will not and is unable to correspond the logs to your personal data. - Others
The Website records user IP and the time users spent on the Internet, as well as browsing history on the Website. To improve website service quality, the data is used for the internal analysis of site traffic and internet behaviors only. There will be no analysis conducted of individual users.
The Website supports quick login with Facebook and Google. We strictly abide by Facebook and Google privacy policies and regulations of advertising. The personal information collected with your permission will be used only to assist you with our services on the Website.
For services that require user personal data, the Website will ask you to provide the most updated and authentic information of you. If your personal data is inaccurate or false, the Website has the right to reject you from the Website’s service partially or completely.
To enhance user experiences, the Website uses and analyzes cookies. Cookies will not be used to record any confidential information, and the Website will not access cookies used by other websites.
Policy for Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties
The Website will not sell, exchange or rent any of your personal data to other groups, individuals, or private enterprises with exceptions as follows where the Website will handle your personal data in accordance with pertinent laws and regulations.
For judicial investigations, investigations or the use of data requested by competent authorities for legitimate reasons, the Website will take necessary measures based on legality and regulatory compliance.
When a user’s behavior on the Website poses potential threat or damage to other users or the rights of related third parties, the Website may disclose the user’s personal information under the legitimate notion that the disclosure of personal data is necessary to the identification, contact or legal actions that ensue in the wake of the user's violation of the Website’s policy.
Policy for Personal Information Alteration
The Website is obliged to the protection of privacy of every applicant. We will not alter or delete your personal information and files unless we have your permission in advance or any of the following circumstances apply.
- The judicial agency or prosecutors’ office of the Republic of China requests access for an investigation conducted following legitimate procedures.
- A user violates website policies and has already posed a threat.
- The Website willingly extends its services to amplify government website services.
- The Website protects other users’ legitimate user rights.
Other than sending promotional materials about the Website, the Website will not use your personal data collected for the communication of commercial information.
According to provisions in Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, you can exercise rights with regard to your personal data by logging into your account with the Website at any time to alter or correct your personal data. You can also contact us via CONTACT US to inquire to review the personal data collected, produce and provide a copy, make supplements or alterations, stop data collection, handling or utilization, or delete your account and personal data.
Before you make the inquiry thereof, you should understand that such inquiry may result in the partial or a complete suspension of the Website’s services to you.
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding the Website’s privacy policy, please contact us at any time.
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