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Taipei Travel

“Hakka in the Alley” Performances to Kick-off on May 28

Anchor point

Post date:2016-05-31



To bring Hakka cultural performances closer to the public, the Hakka Affairs Commission (HAC) will be holding the 2016 Hakka in the Alley cultural performances series starting in May.

The first show, featuring the Puppet Beings Theatre, will take place at Longsheng Park in Daan District at 3:30 PM on Saturday, May 28.

HAC has accumulated many years of experience in organizing community arts and cultural events. This year’s “Hakka in the Alley” theme seeks to create a new brand and value for Hakka culture through performance opportunities for outstanding groups across the island.

The Puppet Beings Theatre is one of the few “modern puppetry” performance groups in Taiwan. This performance spotlights a narration approach combining real actors and paper puppets to tell the story of the five-color stone’s secret and its role in sealing the sky.

The performance also combines the traditional with the modern to convey the message of conservation underlying the Hakka Festival of Sky-mending Day to the public, as well as promoting Hakka culture and strengthening interactions between different ethnic groups in the community.


Source:Department of Information Technology, Taipei City Government.