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TAM to Hold Special Star Viewing Session on Chinese Valentine’s Day

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Post date:2016-08-05



TAM to Hold Special Star Viewing Session on Chinese Valentine’s Day

TAM to Hold Special Star Viewing Session on Chinese Valentine’s Day

The Taipei Astronomical Museum (TAM) will be holding a special star-viewing session for the general public in the night of Chinese Valentine’s Day (Tuesday, August 9) between 7 PM and 9 PM at the Observation Deck on fourth floor of the building.

The organizers will also hold three sessions (7:30 PM, 8 PM, and 8:30 PM) to provide visitors with some of the basics on stargazing, helping them identify the main “characters” of Chinese Valentine’s Day among the stars – the weaver girl (Vega) and cowherd (Altair). Two telescopes will also be set up in the area to allow the public to get a closer look at the constellations.

The activity is completely free of charge and requires no preregistration.

In addition, TAM reminded the public that the Perseid Meteor Shower will also be taking place in the night of August 11 and 12. Experts noted that this year’s meteor shower will be quite dramatic, with approximately 150 meteors streaming across the night sky during peak hours. The best time for viewing will be between 10 PM up to right before dawn (also depending on the strength of moonlight).

For more information on these upcoming stargazing events, please visit the Chinese website of TAM (

  • Source: Department of Information Technology, Taipei City Government

