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Taipei Travel

2020 Guandu International Nature Art Festival

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2020 Guandu International Nature Art Festival
Event Time
Event Location
Guandu Nature Park, Beitou Dist., Taipei City Taiwan, R.O.C
This event is held in the Guandu Nature Park for the purpose of conservation. It is rooted in the Guandu wetland with ecological conservation values and rich estuary culture to create conversations between people, art and nature, exploring this important topic of “the relationship between humans and Nature” and expecting to find a balance point for the imbalance between modern society and Nature.

Every year, many artists are invited to create a perfect dialogue between art and Nature by using natural materials to create installations that show artistic beauty and convey environmental care. During the process of creation, the artists emphasize public participation and integrate local spirit through conversations and cooperation. Moreover, they can effectively improve the accumulation of aesthetic experience.

