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Taipei Travel

Visiting Hot Springs

Anchor point

Post date:2009-07-16


While in Taipei, have you ever wished to enjoy a truly unique hot springs experience? There is a hot springs area where you can soak only around 30 minutes by bus or car from the city center!
Because of the fumes that rise ceaselessly from Thermal Valley in the Beitou area, and resemble steam from a witch’s cauldron, this place was once considered to be the home of witches. In 1896, the Japanese Hirata Gengo established Taiwan’s first hot springs hotel, the "Ten Gu An," which first pulled the veil of mystery from the hot springs of Beitou.
Beitou’s hot springs include three types, namely white sulfur, green sulfur, and iron sulfur springs, and the Japanese also assigned the names "Longnai Hot Spring," "Xingnai Hot Spring," and "Tienai Hot Spring," on the basis of hot spring types and their therapeutic benefits. It is said that the Beitou hot springs are very beneficial for the skin, nervous hypersensitivity, asthma, rheumatism, and women’s disorders. Furthermore, Beitou is the only place in Taiwan where there are sulfur hot springs, and the smell of sulfur is the characteristic feature of Beitou’s hot springs.
When soaking, remember to place an "in-use" notice on the entrance. Apart from rinsing before you enter the water, avoid soaking if you have any chronic diseases, have been drinking, or have any other physical problem. To avoid dizziness and fainting, make sure to get out and take a break after every 15 minutes of soaking. To ensure healthy and safe soaking, be sure to uphold hot springs etiquette and rules.