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Taipei Travel

Mayor Checks Implementation of Delivery Services for Traditional Market Vendors

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Post date:2021-07-26



On July 21, Mayor Ko Wen-je arrived at the Guangfu Market to personally experience the implementation of Taipei City’s new cross-sector collaboration program which forges a partnership among logistics companies/on-demand platforms with traditional market vendors.

Led by a delivery personnel working for one of the partner platforms, the mayor obtained firsthand understanding of the process spanning order registration, preparation of merchandise by the market vendor, to merchandise pickup by the delivery vehicle at the designated counter.

In response to the Level 3 COVID Alert, the city government highlighted traditional markets as a key area for strengthening pandemic prevention. This is why Taipei City Government is pushing for the transition of traditional markets by connecting them with logistics platforms, seeing this as a chance to promote business for market stalls while boosting work opportunities for platform workers such as tally clerks and deliverymen. Of course, this also helps to reduce the need for residents to visit the market, thereby cutting the hazard of exposure due to crowding.
Regarding concerns of business owners over the hassle and time pressure of handling both online orders and onsite purchases, the mayor stressed that stores have to develop an operation model capable of adapting. The government assists businesses in the transition process by subsidizing delivery costs for 6 months, hoping that the owners will use this grace period wisely to come up with ways to accommodate.

In response to media question about most people having the habit of purchasing at the stalls to ensure the quality and freshness of food, Ko stressed that this is an issue of trust, and vendors should do their best to strengthen the trust of online customers by proving themselves with the delivery of quality products.

Deputy Mayor Tsai Ping-kun added that the logistics platforms display photos taken by vendors of the actual products. As long as the delivered items match those shown on the platform, he believes that people’s trust of online purchases of groceries will increase over time.
Taipei City Government's new policy on promoting partnership between logistics platforms and market vendors

