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Taipei Travel

Flash Mob Performance Code 1130 – Back to Street Together

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Post date:2019-12-10



Interesting East District – Back to Street event kicked off on November 30, 2019 at Lane 205 on Section 4 of Zhongxiao East Road in the East District, where Waa Wei, numerous Jungle Voice singers, and the contemporary dance troupe Allure put on a fabulous singing and dancing performance for the people of the East District. In addition, 8 contemporary artists and 7 unique stores have combined their creativity and ingenuity to transform their display windows into an astonishing spectacle of the arts.

According to the Commissioner of Taipei City Government’s Department of Economic Development (DOED) Lin Chung-Chieh, in an attempt to sustain developments in the East District, the city government has unveiled the Zhongxiao East District Revitalization Project to help upgrade the local software and infrastructure via the repositioning of the East District and 3 simultaneous strategies: bolstering the themed space, planning the pedestrian system, and reinvigorating the East Metro Mall.

Furthermore, DOED has collaborated with the Taipei City East District Development Association to organize events meant to breathe new life into the business and shopping district. In addition, in continuing the popularity of the street-closing event in July and the East District Plus+ Anniversary in November, the Interesting East District – Back to Street flash mob activity was created, inviting artists and numerous singers to interact with stores and citizens. Everyone is invited to join the fun and visit unique stores hidden in the alleyways of the East District, thereby promoting the diverse appearances of the East District.

Yesterday afternoon, versatile musician Waa Wei and many Jungle Voice singers sang a song dedicated to the East District with the audience; additionally, Lane 205 on Section 4 of Zhongxiao East Road was transformed into a flash mob runway in the East District, inviting contemporary dance troupe Allure to stage a flash mob performance with the citizens, showcasing classic dance moves from different eras complemented by vintage tunes. Their individualistic performance embodies the unique, diverse demeanor of the East District. Moreover, at Lane 205 on Section 4 of Zhongxiao East Road and Lane 161 on Section 1 of Dunhua South Road, 8 contemporary artists have expressed their aesthetics and ingenuity in the display windows of 7 unique stores, turning them into a “Window Live” time-limited dynamic museum. The public is invited to experience the fun of rambling with the artists.

For instance, artist Chen Ssu-An has crafted the Magic Closet display window into a Planetary Tavern, where people can unload all their secrets and concerns into tiny planets before drinking a glass of magical, vibrantly colored celestial wine to jettison all their worries to outer space. Artist Sammi decorated the Mira display window into a romantic setting perfect for couples, where people are invited to take romantic pictures of themselves and leave their Line accounts, turning the installation into a cupid or matchmaker offering people in the East District a chance to fall in love. Artist Super Perfect Working Robot dressed up as a lively robot involved in an interspecies romance with the store clerk at Boy London. The passersby were invited to witness their love confession of the century. Through this activity, the stores and artists have forged a strategic alliance, where art is able to engender new business models by overcoming the constraints of business activities and artistic creations in the East District. In the future, it is hoped that more wide-ranging artists will be inspired to come to the East District and envision more possibilities.

Furthermore, in an effort to provide the East District-goers with the latest information, the online version of Taipei Eastern District For Tourism has been launched, offering a diverse array of details pertaining to great food, shopping, and entertainment in the East District to the public! Whether you are looking for gastronomic enjoyment or the latest fashion trend and philosophies, East District is the ideal place to be. Moreover, 5,000 copies of folded maps will be issued in late December and distributed through the city government and relevant channels in the East District. Everyone is welcome to obtain a copy to explore the novelties and charisma of the East District! For more information, please refer to TCOCC – I’m a Businessman’s Facebook fan page.

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