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Taipei Stories, Our City Competition Kicks-off June 19

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Post date:2021-06-21



The Department of Information and Tourism (TPEDOIT) announced that it is collaborating with Taipei Public Access Channel Association (TPACA) and Urban Regeneration Office’s to organize a film competition promoting Public Access Channel 3 (PAC3). The theme for the contest will be Taipei Stores, Our City, inviting citizens to make videos as records of stories taking place in our community. 

TPACA Chairman Wang Yae-wei noted that a total of 4 events have been planned for 2021, including Citizen Film-making Workshop, Taipei City Student Film Showcase, Video Image Competition, and an activity slated for November – Public Access Channel Achievements Showcase.

Among these events, the Taipei City Student Film Showcase welcomes submissions from students across all levels – elementary school through college. Hopefully, the contest will attract outstanding works to be aired on PAC3 while promoting the concept of right of access to the media across local school campuses.

TPEDOIT Commissioner Liu Yi-ting remarked that in light of the Level 3 COVID Alert, the Citizen Film-making Workshop in July may either limit the number of participants or reposition itself as an online teaching event, in compliance with pandemic prevention guidelines.

The Video Image Competition added a new theme this year – Life under Pandemic Prevention Measures. Participants are invited to share bits and pieces of their daily life under COVID restrictions through the media. A total of NT$85,000 in cash will be given away, with the top winner bringing home NT$50,000. In addition, the organizers invite everyone to submit short clips on unique individuals, events, or objects that convey the warmth of Taipei’s communities. Works are accepted between June 19 and October 15. Each person will receive a gift voucher of NT$500 for his or her submission.

For more information on the activities, please visit the Facebook fan page of PAC3 or its official Chinese website.

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